It's nearly Spooky Season, and what better way to celebrate than with a gorgeous, new take on our ever-popular Bad Moon Rising design? We're actually right at the four year anniversary for the first ever Bad Moon, which is just beautiful timing in my opinion. I love the little symmetries, cycles, and patterns we find in life.

Meticulously carved then cast, this piece is so precious to me. The prong settings for our turquoise stones really place it somewhere between our traditional silver pieces and our move toward fine jewelry, and I am so excited to be able to share it with you. And a moment for the texture on that moon??? Because WOW - *chef's kiss*

This particular piece may end up being completely exclusive to the subscription box because we ended up with so much weight in silver in our moons - it would be hard to really turn a profit with them without taking the price above what we'd like to ask. I think it works out perfectly to send them out to you, because I want your pieces to be exceptional, sometimes exclusive, and always more valuable than that $128 subscription cost.

Another, slightly less relevant bit of excitement here - these are the first pieces I've photographed in my new office + photo studio space. The lighting is just as dreamy as I hoped it'd be, and gosh is the process easier when I don't have to cross the building every five minutes. This little change is going to do such good things for me and for us - I can't wait to see what I'm able to create for you as my workplace gets more efficient and easier to use.

Thank YOU so much for your support in making this happen. We wouldn't be here without you, and we certainly wouldn't be able to make this renovation happen without you, either. Your choice to trust me to make you a special piece each month is an honor and a blessing.
P.S. - I hope you love this piece as much as I loved making it for you, but if you find it just doesn't scratch that itch, please don't hesitate to reach out and exchange it for a credit. As ALWAYS, our boxes are 100% returnable for store credit, we just ask you make your request within that 7-day window in our policies. You can shoot an email over to for any need you may have.